Center for Graduate Studies

Financial support for conference travel

Basic principles

  • Funding for travel costs and conference fees is income related and capped as follows:
    travel abroad:
    600 Euro max. per person a year (with a 50%-post, a scholarship or without funding)
    450 Euro max. per person a year (with a 75%-post)
    300 Euro max. per person a year (with a 100%-post)
    inland travel:
    150 Euro max. per person a year (with a 50%-post, a scholarship or without funding)
    125 Euro max. per person a year (with a 75%-post)
    50 Euro max. per person a year (with a 100%-post)
  • For travels in Germany or abroad, individually motivated execeptions to this rule or other hardship regulations can be made (i.e. if the progress and success of a dissertation project depends on it).
  • Conference fees will be refunded on submission of original invoices within the scope of the grants previously agreed on.
  • Travel costs will be refunded on the following basis: Deutsche Bahn (German rail) return ticket. For more information, visit the webpage of the University of Wuppertal's department for travel expenses (in German only).
  • Accommodation costs cannot be refunded.
  • Expenses for materials will be refunded on submission of original invoices within the scope of the grants previously agreed on.
  • Materialkosten werden (bei Vorlage von Originalbelegen) im Rahmen der zugesagten Zuschüsse übernommen.
  • If you would like to take part in a conference without presenting a paper yourself, you are kindly asked to justify why the CGS should nevertheless support your conference travel.
  • Scholarship holders are expected to apply to their own funding source.
  • All PhD students should first seek funding from other sources – e.g. from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), their faculty, or their supervisor.

If you want to apply for the CGS support of conference costs, please use the provided forms which you can download below (currently only available in German - please contact the CGS team if you need help). Please send a printed version of the filled-in and signed document with the respectively required enclosures to the CGS:  

Antragsformular für Vortrags- und Konferenzreisen

Auskunft über die Kostenbeteiligung des Lehrstuhls/ Förderungswürdigkeit der Reise

The decision of the CGS board on the allowance of funding is based on the stated basic principles or on a case-by-case basis, if applicable.

The granting of funding is tied to the obligation to have or create a member profile on the CGS website as well as to the support of the CGS's public relations work by submitting a short report (ideally including pictures) on the attended conference for our homepage.

A reimbursement of expenses (for conference and lecture tours) can only be ensured if the original documents are handed in no later than four weeks after the event, including the aforementioned report.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Jansen or Dr Hanebeck via e-mail to zgs[at] or telephone (during the office hours specified in the box on the right).