The 11th CEA (Europe) and 30th CEA (UK) Annual Conference

Datum: 1.-2. September 2019
Ort: Stockholm, Schweden
von Tian Xiong
At the invitation of the CHINESE ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION (CEA) (Europe/UK), I attended “The 11th CEA (Europe) and 30th CEA (UK) Annual Conference”, which is organised by Tsinghua University, on 1st and 2nd September 2019 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden. The CEA 2019 conference focuses on the discussion of China’s industrialisation and the expansion of global value chains.
In this two-days conference, there were around 70 participants, 40 essays were discussed in four parallel sessions. I presented my current research, which titled “The Technical Efficiency of China’s Outward Direct Investment in the Belt and Road Initiative Countries.” Here, I talked about the Chinese outward foreign direct investment efficiency in the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative route. In the subsequent discussion session, I received valuable comments on my contribution and empirical analysis method. At a later time, I had a chance to discuss more details with the experts about my research. The feedbacks and discussions were constructive for my future work.
In the keynote presentations and other lectures, I gained more insights into Chinese enterprises' internationalisation process and the upgrade of the global value chain from various perspectives. I was able to exchange thoughts with other scientists, as well as extended my international academic networks. Besides, other services also beneficial for completing my dissertation project and building up a personal future course. For example, the CEA 2019 conference provided supervision session for the Ph.D. colloquium, and the job information corner gave useful information about the open positions and qualification requirements of European and Chinese universities.
With this, I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to ZGS team for the generous support to make this journey possible.