Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Herr Sandro Lombardo

Industrieökonomik und Innovation






Sandro Enrico Fiore Lombardo studierte an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal Wirtschaftswissenschaften und schloss sein Masterstudium mit dem Schwerpunkt "Entrepreneurship, Unternehmensentwicklung und Innovation" Ende September 2013 ab. Seit Oktober 2013 ist Herr Lombardo als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Industrieökonomik und Innovation an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal tätig.


Titel und Abstract des Dissertationsprojektes

Economics meets Psychology:Experimental and self-reported Measures of Individual Competitiveness
Economists and psychologists follow different approaches to measure individual competitiveness. While psychologists typically use self-reported psychometric scales, economists tend to use incentivized behavioral experiments, where subjects confronted with a specific task self-select into a competitive versus a piece-rate payment scheme. So far, both measurement approaches have remained largely isolated from one another. We discuss how these approaches are linked and based on a classroom experiment with 186 students we empirically examine the relationship between a behavioral competitiveness measure and a self-reported competitiveness scale. We find a stable positive relationship between these measures suggesting that both measures are indicators of the same underlying latent variable, which might be interpreted as a general preference to enter competitive situations. Moreover, our results suggest that the self-reported scale partly rests on motives related to personal development, whereas the behavioral measure does not reflect competitiveness motivated by personal development. Our study demonstrates how comparative studies such as ours can open up new avenues for the further development of both behavioral experiments and psychometric scales that aim at measuring individual competitiveness.




  • Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Decision Making, Berlin (Deutschland), 5.-7. November 2015
  • Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings - 5th Meeting on Economic Sciences, Lindau (Deutschland),19.-23. August 2014 (Teilnahme, kein Vortrag)
  • 15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS), Jena (Deutschland), 27.-30. Juli 2014
  • 7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control, Barcelona (Spanien), 18.-20. September 2013



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Sonstige wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten/Mitgliedschaften


  • School of Public and Environmental Affairs - Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, Bloomington (USA), September - Oktober 2014


M. Sc.