Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien

Invitation to the 7th International Crossroads in Biology Symposium

28.03.2019|00:00 Uhr

The 7th International Crossroads in Biology symposium will be held at the University of Cologne on March 28 and 29, 2019. Excellent speakers from around the world will report their recent work. There are sessions on Mitochondrial Biology, Regulation of Gene Expression, Cell Death and Disease and Drug Development. This meeting is free of charge! It provides a unique opportunity for you to present your research to an international scientific audience. We encourage students and post-docs to participate in the poster session. In addition you can have lunch with your favourite speaker.

Please register (http://cib.uni-koeln.de/17799.html) and submit an abstract (300 words) of your project! Poster prizes (Nikon camera) will be awarded. The deadline for the abstract submission period is February 28th. The venue of the meeting is the MTI Lecture Hall (Building 44b) Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 9 (access via Robert Koch Strasse) in 50931 Cologne

For more information visit the symposium's homepage (http://cib.uni-koeln.de/15225.html)

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