Conference Name: 5th Central European Symposium on Building Physics 2022 (CESBP2022)
Date of the authors’ presentation: 7th September
Presentation title: Summer Thermal Comfort in Architectural Early Design Workflows
Presenting author: Isil Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu
Session Name: Indoor Climate and Indoor Comfort
Presenting author, Isil Kalpkirmaz Rizaoglu joined this conference to share the findings of her research on the topic of “Summer Thermal Comfort in Architectural Early Design Workflows” (see Figure 1). The session that she presented her research had a remarkable group of audience - including Prof. Dominique Derome from University of Sherbrooke, Canada; Prof. Jan Carmeliet from ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Professor Dariusz Gawin from Lodz University of Technology, Poland; Prof. Eng. Vasco Peixoto de Freitas from the University of Porto,
Portugal; Prof. Nathan Van Den Bossche from University of Gent, Belgium; Prof. Carsten Rode from TU Denmark, Denmark and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ulrich Pont from TU Wien.
Thus, after her presentation, “Question and Answer(Q&A)” session (see Figure 2) was quite fruitful by the comments and questions of this unique audience. Integration of adaptive thermal comfort model, instead of predicted mean vote (PMV) into the proposed simplified method was one of the important comments for the future steps of the research. Another remark was about putting more emphasis on concept phase rather than design development phase in terms of utilization BPS as earliest as possible in design workflows. Some other presentations in the same session were also quite relevant to her area of research for providing real-life examples from design to construction by evaluation of architects’ involvement in building performance
assessment. It is seen that the conducted research has highly consistent and corresponding findings with real-life examples from AEC industry in terms of its arguments regarding the potentials and risks of integration of building performance evaluation in architects’ design workflows. Kalpkirmaz-Rizaoglu would like to thank to Center for Graduate Studies (CGS) for supporting her for this conference travel. It was an inspiring event by rich scientific discussions, also face-to-face meetings in a real place was unique chance to expand the scientific network.